Atlanta Journal-Constitution Tandem NYC Atlanta Journal-Constitution Tandem NYC

Atlanta approves funds for build-out of diversion center, appraisal of jail building

The city of Atlanta has chosen a firm to build a new 24/7 diversion center at the city’s detention facility, as it seeks an appraisal of the 11-story downtown building. The City Council on Monday approved a nearly $3 million contract for construction of the new “Center for Diversion Services,” set to open in 2023.

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Atlanta Journal-Constitution Tandem NYC Atlanta Journal-Constitution Tandem NYC

Atlanta-Fulton jail deal prompts questions, pushback from diversion program

The Policing Alternatives and Diversion initiative — which provides resources to people accused of nonviolent offenses who might otherwise be booked into jail — pushed back on that provision, telling The Atlanta Journal-Constitution in a statement that “the goal of PAD’s services as well as the Diversion Center is to reduce the number of people in jail. “Funding any of these activities with revenues generated from incarcerating the same people we seek to assist is incompatible with our mission as well as our values,” the statement says.

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Atlanta Journal-Constitution Tandem NYC Atlanta Journal-Constitution Tandem NYC

Atlanta mayor pushes for new arrest diversion center at city jail

An officer who might ordinarily arrest someone accused of a minor, nonviolent offense would be able to instead take them to the center, said Moki Macias, the executive director of the initiative, which began as a pilot program in 2017 and has since expanded citywide.

“If the real goal is to reduce the jailing of people who are experiencing behavioral health needs, then diversion has to be a key part of the equation,” Macias said.

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Atlanta Journal-Constitution Tandem NYC Atlanta Journal-Constitution Tandem NYC

Atlanta on track to see 450 arrests averted this year through diversion program

The Policing Alternatives and Diversion Initiative (PAD) is on track to assist 450 people this year who would otherwise be arrested for nonviolent offenses, program leaders said Monday.

The initiative aims to keep vulnerable people out of the criminal justice system and instead connect them with the social services they need.

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Atlanta Journal-Constitution Tandem NYC Atlanta Journal-Constitution Tandem NYC

Local initiative seeks problem-solving beyond policing

On a chilly morning in March, Brittany Molinaro was working in her home office when about 10 a.m. she heard a knock at the door. She peeked out of the window to see an adult man on her doorstep crying… She scrolled through her phone and pulled up a number she had jotted down in January from the neighborhood Facebook page — a non-emergency number that residents could call instead of calling police.

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