Diversion Services

PAD accepts diversion referrals from Atlanta Police Department, MARTA, and Georgia Tech police officers who have probable cause to arrest an individual and identify that there is a need related to substance use, mental health, or extreme poverty. When a person has been detained by police and would otherwise be booked at the Atlanta City Detention Center or Fulton County jail, the officer can instead offer diversion and call PAD. If the person and PAD agree to work together, the officer leaves the scene and does not create a police report.

The Community Response team immediately completes an intake and works with the diverted individual to address basic needs and talk about what led to the interaction with law enforcement. From there, the participant is connected to a PAD Care Navigator and our team starts collaborating with criminal legal partner agencies to address outstanding legal concerns if they exist.

Direct Services for Diverted Individuals

PAD provides direct services to diverted individuals. Our services are grounded in the principles of harm reduction and housing first.  The focus of our direct services is to reduce the activities that lead to police contact and address quality of life concerns in a way that honors the dignity and self-determination of the participant. Our direct services include:

  • Immediate Shelter & Basic Needs: All participants are offered emergency shelter, transportation and food assistance for up to 3 months.

  • Outreach & Case Management: Care Navigators and the outreach team engage participants during weekly in-office and street-based visits. 

  • Linkage to Care: Participants are connected to service providers for identification documents, recovery support, employment, and other services.

The individuals that PAD works with are people who have had multiple contacts with the legal system and who have often been excluded or unsuccessful in accessing traditional social services. PAD prioritizes working with individuals who have been impacted by racial disparity in policing and sentencing, and with transgender, gender non-conforming and LGBQIA individuals who are often under-served by existing social services. 

PAD provides referrals to a wide variety of service providers. If you are interested in providing housing, substance use, mental health, or other services to PAD participants, please contact us to learn more. 

We don’t give up on anyone.

At times, our participants get discharged from housing, re-arrested, or then stop engaging with services. We know this may happen when people are dealing with addiction, mental illness, and individual and systemic trauma. We have honest conversations, keep celebrating the little wins, and keep offering positive connections. We don’t give up on anyone.